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October 29, 2004
"Bless the daytime, bless the night..."
Richie Havens, Little Fox, 28 Oct 2004

'Saw the Strawbs at the Little Fox last night.  Well, a more mobile acoustic version of the Strawbs; no drums, and no mellotrons, but with Chas Cronk, Dave Cousins and Dave Lambert, left to right in this photo from the show.

An amazing performance, a small but very appreciative audience, great sound, and of course a great venue.  Awesome renditions of my favorites "Benidictus", "Ghosts" and "Autumn".  And Dave Cousins provided the stories behind the songs.  And we got a chance to hang with the band afterwards a little, which was a blast.

The Strawbs haven't toured the west coast for roughly 30 years.  Yikes.

Posted by DonTillman at October 29, 2004 01:14 PM

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