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April 06, 2005
"NPR Moments"

I experienced an NPR Moment this past weekend.  That's when you turn on the radio, it happens to be tuned to the local National Public Radio station, you hear something completely insane, and you immediately turn it off again, effectively performing an artistic framing of the moment.

In this case some commentator was talking about the pope's death, and I swear, he actually said "... the pope's dogma has sometimes been a bone of contention..."  Click!

I related this to Nancy's best friend who was visiting, and she described a similar NPR Moment during a report on Iraq; "... if the Kurds have their way..."  Click!

Another type of NPR Moment happens when there is some monumental event going on in the world, you turn on NPR to learn what's happening, and they're broadcasting something thoroughly unnewsworthy, such as an episode of "Ask Mr. Language Person".

Posted by DonTillman at April 6, 2005 11:04 PM

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