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September 15, 2007
Evan Sayet Explains

Earlier this year, writer and comedian Evan Sayet gave a powerful talk at the Heritage Foundation called Regurgitating the Apple: How Modern Liberals Think.  The entire lecture is readily available on YouTube:

YouTube: Evan Sayet

It's lengthy as video clips go, but the man is so engaging and insightful that you may be hooked within the first five minutes.  And here is the transcript.

I don't agree with him completely, or rather, I think there's more to the issue than he describes.  And some of his examples might suffer from misinterpretation.  But nonetheless, Evan Sayet has nailed some fundamental issues in ways nobody else has, and this may be one of the most important speeches of our time.  Seriously.  If you know intelligent, well meaning folks, whose logical reasoning leads them deep into Orwellian territory, and tells them that George Bush is Hitler and that terrorists are freedom fighters, then this guy has a plausable explanation.

(And doesn't it strike anybody as being just a little weird that capital-L-Liberal is pretty much opposite lowercase-L-liberal?)

As I'm writing this, the YouTube clip is approaching 300,000 views, so the word is clearly getting out there.  Congratulations Evan, this is a remarkable work.

Posted by DonTillman at September 15, 2007 08:26 AM

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